Crisp Carrot & Pea Risotto

Crisp Carrot & Pea Risotto

Recipe: Crisp Carrot & Pea Risotto

Author: Camille Richman, Hamama Co-Founder & CEO 

Prep Time: 15 Minutes

Cook Time: 30 Minutes

Makes: 4 Servings

This delightful dish is enriched with the delicious texture of risotto and the refreshing flavors of carrots and peas! Best part?! This comforting and nutritious dish cooks up in 30 minutes!


Carrot Risotto with Carrot Microgreens:

  • 1 tbsp olive oil

  • 1 cup carrots diced ¼"

  • ½ cup leek (white and light green parts only), diced ¼” (can sub with Hamama-grown Green Onions as well!)

  • Pinch of saffron (optional)

  • 1 bay leaf

  • 1 ½ cups Arborio rice

  • ¾ cup dry white wine, unoaked

  • 3 cups carrot juice

  • 3 cups chicken or vegetable broth, heated

  • 1 cup grated parmesan cheese

  • 2 tbsp butter

  • ¼ of your Crisp Carrot Seed Quilt

  • 1 cup cooked peas (for garnish)

  • Sea Salt and fresh Pepper to taste


Microgreen Salad Topping:


Carrot Risotto:

  1. In a large saucepan, heat oil on medium heat. Once hot, add carrots, leeks, saffron and bay leaf. Stir frequently until leeks are translucent and then stir in rice.
  2. After stirring rice for 1 minute, stir in wine and turn heat to medium-low until it is absorbed and evaporated. Then start alternating carrot juice and hot broth 1 cup at a time, stirring frequently and waiting until each cup is absorbed before adding more. This stirring process will create the creamy texture of the risotto and the carrot juice will form the sauce as it reduces.
  3. Test for doneness (al dente) after about 20-30 minutes, you may not need all the broth. (Rice should feel/taste cooked but not too mushy.) Cook longer if needed but it shouldn't need much longer than 30 minutes.
  4. Remove bay leaf, turn heat off and stir in parmesan and butter until melted. Season to taste with salt, pepper and carrot microgreens. Serve topped with Carrot and Pea Microgreen Salad and optional additional pea garnish.


Microgreen Salad

  1. Mix vinegar, oil, salt, sugar and pepper together in a medium size bowl. Add microgreens, toss gently and pile on top of risotto to serve.

Make this recipe today!

Crisp Carrot Microgreens 🥕🐰

Crisp Carrot Microgreen Starter Kit

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Crisp Carrot Microgreen Starter Kit with Bamboo Frame

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Crisp Carrot Seed Quilt Refill 3-Pack

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Crisp Carrot Seed Quilt Refill 10-Pack

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